Lake Cleaning in Khadakavali

Pond Cleaning
In the first 5 years, ′′ Neeraja ′′ organization’s journey and problems created..
Neerja is a outline of work to create awareness about water management in Khedegaon, provide technical support and funding by looking at the attitude of the people of the village..
In the first year, we inspected some villages in Palghar taluka (now in the district), at that time, a lake with an area of about 2 acres was found in the village of Khadakavali which had a stampede of 20 feet wide and 15 feet tall. .. So there was no water stored in it.. This lake was built from the drought work in Maharashtra in 1972.. Our organization is the first project to build the lake and extend its room by removing the drought from the lake. Taken.. So done in June 2011.. Made sure the lake is full in the monsoon.. Re-inspected before next monsoon, the lake was fine.. The level of the nearby wells was slightly increased .. We are very happy.. We are satisfied that we have done something great.. We had been inspecting after the second year’s rainy season, the soil was flowing away.. The villagers said that the soil was flowing.. us Felt bad and started finding a solution on this.. then a person from the village came to Palghar and said that some people in the village left fish in the lake and then broke the soil to catch them and set the net there.. but as the water started flowing, a lot of soil was flowing with him .. Further conclusions come from the above example..
1. Tribal man does long-term losses for his little, then profit..
2. He is ready to stay in that difficult situation and he can endure the crunchy of the situation..
Can you plan a way that you can get 3. fish (i.e. excess income) and the lake will be well? He doesn’t even think like that..
4. If you think you should blow the thaw again, we have nothing to do with it..
We didn’t even meet anyone to tell us to repair the pond for fishing.. We repaired it again as we were hustle..
Next year, in 2012, a forest department built a lake in Pochade village, especially women, as a forest near the village, but the water in the lake goes completely under the ground in January, February and the lake becomes completely dry.. Our organization can do anything about this Why? To ask about this, the Forest Guard in the area, Mr. Jadhav met us. When we met with Mr. Jadhav, he told us to extend the lake room.. Will we really solve the question by raising the room? Decided to take expert advice on this.. Similarly, former director of Ground Water Survey Department in Pune Mr. B. G. Met Dhokrikar.. After inspecting the situation, he asked to do a geographical survey of the land.. accordingly we are Mr. Dhokrikar (age years) and the youth of the village were helped.. Spent 30 to 35 thousand rupees for that.. from that survey Mr. Dhokrikar advised us that:
The 30 to 40 feet layer of soil in 1. lake helps to absorb the water.. If the soil is removed to open the lake, the lake will dry..
The water is not under the ground as there is a 80 to 100 ft impeachment stone below the soil above 2. and the water flows laterally because the lake is at the base of the mountain and the village and the dragon flowing from it is at the lower level of the lake..
They gave some solutions for how the water flowing laterally will be slow.. After we decided to do the above solution, the villagers were forced to do so.. They had only one saying, remove the soil from the pond and increase the pond room.. After that they proposed that , You pay and we will do it but we rejected it.. Also, Forest Department needs permission to take this work because the lake was of forest account.. It took a long time to get this permission because the officials in the forest department, our institution is benefited from any government. I couldn’t believe how he is ready to do such a thing when he was not there.. But once he believed he helped us a lot but without a village level participation, it was not in the rule of forest account.. The villagers were not ready to cooperate with us.. Finally the work is done No.. It is realized that there can be many obstacles to do good work.. If the work is to be done by the rules, time goes by and the time passes, it seems that the enthusiasm of the concerned person does not last..
In order to earn the trust of the people of this village, we showed them how to save fuel from the palapachola in the forest by using the ‘Aarti’ cooker of Pune (Appropriate Rural Technology Institute) with demonstration (by feeding the cooker cooker).. A cooker was given to them for themselves and the women in the village asked them to try it for four-four days.. Similarly, the women expressed their satisfaction using the cooker.. We will give one cooker for each nest but the villagers should pay 30 % of the price of the cooker. It was said that our organization will throw the remaining money.. But this scheme could not be implemented because people did not collect money.. This shows the next conclusion..
1. People from villages can’t believe anything good can happen by getting together, united..
2. I have a bad habit of getting everything for free..
They have assumed that there is no change in that situation..
In the same time we were also trying to clean some more pools etc.. Almost decided at one or two places and immediately united to start the work.. Then we realized that the gala coming out of the lake is considered as the government’s court mineral and the government Revenue has to be paid.. This revenue is more than cleaning or carrying the weed.. So we met the concerned authorities.. They made us clean.. They said the same thing that Maharashtra government gets 1000 per year Crores of rupees are paid from mineral minerals.. We tried to explain to them that there is a difference between river or bay soil and this soil.. This soil is probably so bad that it can only be used for filling but they say the same We can’t get an Exemption.. He also said that we should work by asking to do earrings at the local level.. They may know that the price of earrings has to be paid in our country, but still we stopped talking after listening to the state official saying this..
Later on, we were told by 1-2 villages sarpanchs that we should not come to the village without telling them because people think we come there to scratch the ground so they can stone the car..
Due to all such problems we could not do anything special in the first 4-5 years.. But we did not give up the stubbornness or courage.. Our intention is very pure so we believe that there will be some way not today but tomorrow..
It’s true that there has to be some great work to make people believe but people must have faith to get a heavy work done.. It’s like ′′ hen first or egg first ′′ that’s why we haven’t set a big aim in the near future.. Small work at village level Keep on doing and don’t go too close.. What in the end, God’s will sacrifice..
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