Ram Nadi

Ram Nadi is about 20 km long sweet water flow starting from Khatpe Wadi and has confluence with Mula River near Aundh. In last couple of decades, it has become a typical Urban River. In late winter and summer months it carries only urban sewage. This breeds umpteen number of mosquitoes, gives off odour and spreads unpleasantness.

An Architect from Vengurla, Mr Ajit Kumar Parab, who specialises in Sustainable designs, has, through several years of contemplation developed a combination of bio-cultures that he has named ‘Kalki’. This combination was tried in several individuals’ places and later on in certain industries in Pune and Nasik. There it was found useful.

However the next challenge was obviously to test it on a suitably larger scale. Such suitably large i.e. not too large scale was thought to be Ram Nadi a comparatively tiny yet significant river in the city of Pune.

This proof of concept of using Kalki bio-culture to treat the liquid waste and the organic sediments in this urban river was carried out around May end. The results from the Dosing were quite encouraging going by the Pre and Intermediate sampling… and the depth increase that we was evident in the river bed… without any dredging.

This project was completed with joint efforts of Persistent Foundation, Mr. Anand Tatoskar and Neeraja Foundation under the guidance of Dr. Ajit Gokhale of Natural Solutions. The report, created by both the foundations, for the result was submitted to PMC. The Bio-Culture is under patent process… soon it shall be patented by the inventor/aggregator Shri Ajit Kumar Parab… and then made public for free usage.

A event was organised in Pune on 23rd August to celebrate the success of Ram Nadi Rejuvenation Project. (See photos)

We, at Neeraja Foundation, have great pleasure to get associated with such diverse projects. We are trying to make a difference! Your support helps useful further our mission through Drinking & Irrigation water projects.

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